
Forgiveness is Divine, But Never Pay Full Price For Late Pizza


I don't think you get it.


Sink in yet?

I didn't think so.

I don't think we get forgiveness at all. It's too hard. What a concept! I'm not talking about the mother saying to the three year old, "Now kiss and make up.". That's not it. That's not good enough.

I'm talking about the revolutionary type of forgiveness. Forgiving people no one else will. Forgiving people that you didn't think you could.

It's an amazing feeling.

I've dabbled in a forgiveness meditation for a little bit, and I realized how difficult it is, and how much I don't understand and utilize this concept. I can't forgive myself for half of what I've done, much less others.

I'm not talking about forgiving actions, because that isn't necessary. I'm talking about forgiving actors. It's truly something not to carry around all of that pain.

Try it. It's intoxicating.

I have more to say, but I want you to try it first. Try a forgiveness meditation.

Here....I'll even provide one.


Look out for part two! Let's discuss this; it's too important not to.

With metta


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